David Dressler left the physical Earth plane on October 11, 2020. His command of the English language was impeccable. His vocabulary exceeded that of mere mortals and his ability to speak mind and emotion was awesome in the original sense of that word (inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear). He was also a wonderful modern dancer and excellent BC registered massage therapist. You will find some of his most inspiring essays at Stardust Dancer.


Graduate, Reed College (BA, Philosophy), attended University of Victoria (Psychology, Counselling Psychology), Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, Canadian College of Osteopathy, Upledger Institute, editing and journalism courses, proposal and grant writing, professional dance training, Anthony Robbins Personal Power seminars.

David was a performing dancer and teacher, registered massage therapist, and has written and published in health, medicine, dance, journalism, university theses, technical, promotional, and public address for over forty years.